Rate set-up scenarios

Rate set-up scenarios

Setting up rates at checkout:

We know that setting up a new feature like rates at checkout can be complicated, so we’ve taken five possible scenarios that you can relate to and explained in detail how to set them up. 

It is important to understand that each rate that you set up needs to be allocated to a specific service level. You are also able to configure your own service levels, above and beyond the ones already set up by default. Each rate that you set up is specific to one delivery area. If you would like to service each of these areas within a service level, you will need to set up a rate for each area. You can also setup “hybrid” service levels with dynamic and fixed rates to suit your requirements.

Scenario 1
You want to charge your customers a similar shipping rate than the rate the courier will charge you to ship the parcel. You would like to have this set up for all of your customers, regardless of their location, and you would like to offer them an Economy service level.

In this case, you would set up a dynamic rate. These rates are based on cached rates gathered for each service level, each zone and each courier, and are very similar to what the courier company will charge you to ship that order.

These dynamic rates are set up by default for both the Economy and Express service levels. However, you can edit the rates to suit your specifications, like adding a minimum or maximum weight and order value, or rounding up or even making a rate adjustment. You can also disable these if you would prefer use a different rates set-up.

Scenario 2
You want to charge your customers one fixed amount of R100.00, regardless of the customer’s location or the order size or weight. You would like to offer an Economy service level to your customers.

In this case, you would set up a fixed rate. An Economy service level is already set up by default, called “Standard delivery”, so you will not need to create a new one.The rates set up for this service level are all dynamic, so you will need to disable these if you only want to offer rates as per the above scenario. To disable a rate, click on the edit icon next to each rate and toggle off the rate enablement.

Let’s start with a fixed rate for local deliveries. Create a new rate under the Standard service level, and select the Local zone for the “Shipping to” field. As you would like to charge a fixed amount regardless of the order size or weight, you do not need to specify any weights or order values in the rate set-up. Select the Fixed Rate option. Since you are not offering free shipping, remember to toggle that off. Add your R100.00 fixed rate into the rate field and save.

Repeat this process for a Main and Regional rate.

Scenario 3
You want to charge your customers free shipping for baskets with a value of R450.00 and more – but you only want to offer this for customers located in Local and Main centre areas on an Economy service level. On all other occasions, you would like to charge Dynamic Rates with an Economy service level.

In this case, you would set up a fixed rate for free shipping and dynamic rates for the rest.

Create a rate under the Standard or Economy service level and specify your shipping area – in this case, Local and Main Centre. Keep in mind that you can only set up one rate at a time, so if you set up Local first, you will need to repeat the process for Main Centre. To offer free shipping for a basket of R450.00 or more, you will need to specify that a minimum order value is required for free shipping to be activated. Ensure that you are setting up a Fixed Rate and that free shipping is toggled on for this rate. Save the rate and repeat for the other shipping area.

To ensure that customers with orders under the value of R450 or those located in Regional areas are also serviced, set up your Dynamic Rates with the free shipping limitation. This means that you will need to set up the following:
  1. one Dynamic Rate shipping to Local with a maximum order value of R449.99;
  2. one Dynamic Rate shipping to Main with a maximum order value of R449.99; and
  3. one Dynamic Rate shipping to Regional with no order value specification.

Scenario 4
You want to charge your customers a fixed rate of R60.00 for local economy deliveries. But when you did your calculations, you realised that once the total order weight is over 5kg, the cost of shipping is more than the R60.00 you want to charge – and you need to cover your costs by adding R5.00 for every extra kg.

In this case, you would set up a formula.

Create a rate and specify your “Shipping to” area – in this case, local. Switch to a Formula Rate and specify your minimum order weight of 5kg. By specifying that this minimum, you ensure that the Formula Rate will be activated for all orders over 5kg. Add in your rate per kg thereafter of R5.00 and save. 

Next, set up a rate for all local deliveries under 5kg by creating a Fixed Rate shipping to Local with a maximum order weight of 5kg. Set this up for all service levels applicable and remember to set up rates to service other areas like Main and Regional.

Scenario 5
You don’t want to service a specific area, like a high-risk township.

In this case, you would set up a no rate

Create a rate and specify a tag of High-Risk in your “Shipping to” field. Switch to the No Rate option, toggle on “Do not show any rates” and save. Keep in mind that if you are offering more than one service level, you need to set this up on all service levels for it to be applicable. 

This can also be done for other criteria. For example, if you are located in Durban and choose to only allow in-person collections in that area, you can set up a No Rate for the tag: Durban. If the customer’s address is tagged within the Durban map, they will not receive a shipping rate during checkout.

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