Using packing slips

Using packing slips

Packing slips are ideal for the picking and packing process to mitigate possible errors during fulfillment. They contain valuable information to ensure that the correct items are packed for the right customer. 

To download a packing slip, navigate to the order a packing slip is required for, click on the settings wheel and select the option to download packing slip. 

The following information is provided on a packing slip:
  1. Order Number
  2. Delivery address
  3. Item name and description
  4. Item SKU
  5. Vendor
  6. Item weight
  7. Quantity and fulfilled quantity

Smart shipping suggestion: Bob Go packing slips have a barcode set in the top right corner, which can be used in combination with our auto-fulfill on barcode scan solution. It's automation at your fingertips!

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