Scaling your shipping

Scaling your shipping

Streamline and speed up your fulfillment processes. Use these features to scale your shipping on Bob Go. 

Quick fulfillment:
Speed up your order fulfillment with a quick, one-click fulfillment. Simply click on the fulfill button on an order listing, confirm shipping details and ship. 

Multiple waybill and order search:
Instead of scrolling through numerous orders or shipments manually, use the search bar to find specific order or waybills numbers. Bulk tool actions can then be applied to the selected batch.

Bulk tools:
Bulk tools allow users to perform a range of actions on a batch of selected orders or shipments, significantly increasing operational efficiency and reducing manual workload. To execute a bulk action, choose the specific orders or shipments to which you want to apply the bulk action, scroll to the top of the page and click on the bulk tools drop-down menu. From the menu, select the desired action you wish to perform.

Additional parcels:
When fulfilling an order that consists of more than one parcel, add these additional parcels to the Bob Go system during order fulfillment. The weight and dimensions of each parcel must be added to the order. These will also appear on the waybills to ensure that all of the parcels are collected and delivered.

A manifest is a list of waybills that need to be collected by a specific courier on a specific day. Downloading and using a manifest means that the driver who is doing the collection will only need to sign one document, rather than a waybill for each parcel. The signed manifest is your proof of collection. Create a manifest by selecting the shipments that you would like to include in your manifest. Select the bulk actions drop menu and generate the manifest(s).

Packing slips:
Packing slips are ideal for the picking and packing process to mitigate possible errors during fulfillment. They contain valuable information to ensure that the correct items are packed for the right customer. To download a packing slip, navigate to the order a packing slip is required for, click on the settings wheel and select the option to download packing slip.

Custom filters:
When two or more filters have been applied to sort your orders or shipments, you are able to save these custom filters. Custom filters allow you to group orders based on your specifications and save you the time and effort of needing to filter through and identify those particular orders.

Tags can be applied to orders and shipments. Tags allow you to group orders based on your specifications and save you the time and effort of needing to filter through and identify those particular orders.

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